I was really struck by a few things while reading through this post.
First, it seems like a very security-inducing (The opposite of anxiety-inducing?) story. Here's this guy who has never had the stability of a salaried job, never committed to doing any sort of business long-term, taken many risks, started many business, and he made it out just fine. I saw an underlying message in there of "Keep trying things, keep creating value, and you'll turn out just fine." As somebody who needs a ton of novelty and chafes at the repetitiveness of salaried jobs (To me it feels like dreadfully going to the same office every day, with the same people every day, doing the same thing every day), and is currently trying to start three different side businesses, this struck me as very freeing.
I was also struck by Luc's repeated comments that he is averse to success. Did anybody else find those comments a little surprising? It seemed to me like he's being entirely too hard on himself. He's financially independent, he has a nice house with a family, he throws himself into bizarre and effective projects because he wants to and manages to make money off of most of them. To me, that sounds like he is extremely successful. He seems to really enjoy the thrill of picking up something new, and like the kind of person who would chafe at the rigidity of running a structured business. That's not being averse to success , that's being an entrepreneurial visionary who's simply going about it his own way.