Author Topic: An Interview With the Man Who Never Needed a Real Job  (Read 9506 times)


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An Interview With the Man Who Never Needed a Real Job
« on: November 09, 2018, 10:08:18 AM »
I was really struck by a few things while reading through this post.

First, it seems like a very security-inducing (The opposite of anxiety-inducing?) story. Here's this guy who has never had the stability of a salaried job, never committed to doing any sort of business long-term, taken many risks, started many business, and he made it out just fine. I saw an underlying message in there of "Keep trying things, keep creating value, and you'll turn out just fine." As somebody who needs a ton of novelty and chafes at the repetitiveness of salaried jobs (To me it feels like dreadfully going to the same office every day, with the same people every day, doing the same thing every day), and is currently trying to start three different side businesses, this struck me as very freeing.

I was also struck by Luc's repeated comments that he is averse to success. Did anybody else find those comments a little surprising? It seemed to me like he's being entirely too hard on himself. He's financially independent, he has a nice house with a family, he throws himself into bizarre and effective projects because he wants to and manages to make money off of most of them. To me, that sounds like he is extremely successful. He seems to really enjoy the thrill of picking up something new, and like the kind of person who would chafe at the rigidity of running a structured business. That's not being averse to success , that's being an entrepreneurial visionary who's simply going about it his own way.

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Re: An Interview With the Man Who Never Needed a Real Job
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2018, 10:11:02 AM »
I guess this is my same issue with "retired early" and then keep working...

What makes a job "real"?  If you are working, and being paid- that's a real job.

Capt j-rod

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Re: An Interview With the Man Who Never Needed a Real Job
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2018, 07:11:27 AM »
I can deeply relate to Luc. I worked the skilled trades of construction for 10 years. I then went to trade school for HVAC and got an associates degree. I quit work and went to college full time and became a Mechanical Engineer. I worked as an engineer for 6 years and then got tired of being low bid and being told to stamp this to cover the company's ass. During all this I wasn't full on mustache, but I saved money and more importantly didn't spend money. I finally got so frustrated that I resigned. I did some freelance work, taught college and bought my first rental. My wife finally got out of school and went to work with a good salary and health insurance. I bought a bank repo house for cash and fixed it. Once that was done, I saved up and bought another. This cycle has been repeating for 5 years now. I do HVAC, electrical, and plumbing. I also have done vinyl siding, decks, and occasional small roofs. We live and save off of my wife's salary. I have never taken a single dime from the rentals for a personal purchase, it just rolls back in. I own all my tools and trucks and live very simple and happy. With two little girls I can stay home if they're sick, snow days are fun days, and we almost never eat out. This isn't rocket science. My personal home is gorgeous thanks to my labor. My rentals are all very nice and my tenants love where they live. I don't gouge rent because the properties were bought right and everyone can benefit. I will never "retire". I can't hardly stand vacation after day 8 or 10. There are too many things to do and get done. Is it about more money? Nope. Do we live in fear that my wife will lose her job or that I won't get the next one? Nope. All of our friends meet up at the latest and greatest restaurants and take a vacation on a charge card. Most carry HELOCs to try and bury their past bad decisions. Some lease cars and all of them owe on a car. They all wear designer clothes and live very close to paycheck to paycheck. They have gorged themselves on the "cheap money" but none of it makes them any money. The MMM blog and forum is like the penny dish at the store... Have a penny? leave one... Need a penny? Take one. My marriage, personal life, kids, and future are all much better thanks to Pete and the members of this forum. Rather than bashing this site and lifestyle, the authors could all learn a few things by reading a little deeper.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!